WagnisART, in the former barrack´s area of Domagkpark, is a recently completed housing project in Munich by the cooperative Wagnis eG, formed in the year 2000. With this project, concluded …

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the artistic park “Les Machines de l’Île”, a party will be held at the Miséry quarry on June 30th. On this momentous occasion, the …

This summer, “Voyage à Nantes / The Journey to Nantes” offers a long walk through a reimagined city. A total of 54 different sites will be revisited and reinterpreted by …

The French city of Nantes is particularly dynamic in 2017. New architecture for the Arts is attracting more visitors to the city and this trend will continue in the following …

In only a few weeks’ time, the candidates to the Brussels Commerce Design Awards 2017 will be under evaluation by a jury of experts. For all those planning a trip …

The Recyclart is a hotspot key to Brussels’ cultural and artistic agenda, and was born to regenerate the abandoned buildings of the Bruxelles-Chapelle railway station. Since Brussels was European Capital …