As if I were the first. Surrounded by an unprecedented, unspoiled landscape. I’m moving carefully. Fear, respect, amazement. Every step is new, for me, for humanity. I think of Armstrong …

Here comes the seventh edition of our new interview series. This time Diego Baloian of MASSANTIAGO in Santiago de Chile shares his tips with us. 1. Empty Under normal circumstances, …

The Guiding Architects pen flies and flies and flies… This time it lands in Dubai, Belgrade, Bilbao and Glasgow. See which buildings in their location our members find sketchworthy!

Here comes the sixth edition of our new interview series. This time Werner Durrer of Madrides in Madrid shares his tips with us. 1. Empty Under normal circumstances, most attractive …

By the end of 2020 the former Turin Fiat Factory Lingotto, an icon of rationalist architecture built between 1916 and 1923, will be enriched by an iconic eco-friendly building called …

Here comes the pen again! This time, Guiding Architects from Zurich, Rio, Amsterdam and Venice draw their favourite building in their city. Check out their sketching skills, living room interiors …
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