Die Innenverkleidung im Großen Saal der Hamburger Elbphilharmonie, die für optimale Akustik sorgen soll, ist nun fertiggestellt. Bei einem Besichtigungstermin präsentierten Jacques Herzog und Pierre de Meuron zusammen mit Ascan …
The interior panelling of the Elbphilharmonie (Elbe Philharmonic Orchestra) Great Hall in Hamburg, which will ensure perfect acoustics, is now complete. Together with Ascan Mergenthaler, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de …
For more than 40 years, the people of Budapest have been awaiting redevelopment of the most important traffic junction on the Buda side of the city. Now, in May 2016, …
At present Chilean architecture is living a moment of world-wide recognition. Awards as the recent Pritzker granted to Alejandro Aravena, and buildings as Smiljan Radic’s pavilion designed for the Serpentine …
2016 has been designated as the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design in Scotland. To celebrate this the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland has created the Festival of Architecture …
There is nothing that might suggest behind the old garden walls, a jewel of Tadao Ando’s architecture. From the outside the theatre “Teatrino Di Palazzo Grassi” may only be recognized …