In 2018, the Copperbridge Foundation and GA-member Massantiago co-organized the AIA Committee on Design conference in Chile. As part of the programme, 130 members of the American Institute of Architects …

Bettina Johae, principal of our New York member company aplusnyc, was interviewed by German interior design magazine CI about New York industrial style. The interview was conducted by Doris Chevron, …

Guiding Architects member architour is listed as one of the 10 best tour providers in Amsterdam by Condé Nast Traveler. According to the American magazine and website , architour lets you …

Last Friday our brandnew GA member in Andalusia, Blanca Espigares Rooney of Granada-based Masquetours, was the one and only guest of a talkshow on TV Andalucía. If you understand Spanish, listen to …

German photographer Michael Wesely is currently realizing a long-term art project at Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion. Over the course of a year, a single picture is taken by …