Guiding Architects network launches new website

Welcome to the new website of Guiding Architects! After nearly eight years we felt that it was time for a big relaunch. Websites have changed, and – even more importantly – we have changed as well. The Guiding Architects network now counts 37 destinations. Our members offer an ever-increasing range of tours as well as more and more additional services. We also thought that it would be nice to present the partners and guides behind Guiding Architects more prominently, so you know who you’re talking to.
Have a look around the new website and get inspired by our tour suggestions! This is a soft launch, and for now the website is only available in English, but German, Spanish and French will follow soon.
If you’d like to stay updated about our activities, please subscribe to the GA Newsletter. We’re also happy about all kinds of feedback, which you can enter in our Feedback Form.
Wir haben mit einer Gruppe Architekturstudenten eine Tour mit Zeynep Kuban in Isanbul gemacht. Und es war fantastisch. Nicht nur hat sie an unser specifisches Interesse anknuepfen koennen, sie hat uns zusaetzliche Einblicke in die Stadt gewaehrt mit geselschaftlichen Verknuepfungen die wir selber nie wahrnehmen wuerden. Unsere Universitaet hat diese Tour schon das zweite mal mit Zeynep Kuban gemacht und wuerden sie grene weiterempfehlen!