Virtual Tour Series: Water Management and Climate Adaptation in Rotterdam
Due to its location in the delta of the river Rhine, Rotterdam is often referred to as Delta Metropolis. As impressive as that may sound, it also entails some challenges. What to do with increasing precipitation in a city that lies largely below sea level, and where water comes from all directions: from the sea, the river, the ground and the sky? The most popular keyword at the moment is multicoding. This results in projects such as a public square that also serves as rainwater retention facility, or a vegetable field on the roof of an office block.
On this virtual tour you’ll experience several bottom-up initiatives for climate change mitigation and rainwater retention, highlighting experimental approaches to spatial challenges.
Host: Anneke Bokern, architour
Anneke Bokern is a renowned architecture journalist and founder of architectural tour company architour. She was born in Frankfurt/Germany and has been living in Amsterdam since 2000. She holds an M.A. in History of Art from FU Berlin and writes about architecture and design in the Netherlands. Her articles have appeared in a.o. DETAIL, Bauwelt, Baumeister, db, Domus Germany, Mark Magazine, Azure Magazine and HÄUSER. In 2004 Anneke decided to share her knowledge about Dutch building culture with visitor groups from abroad and founded architour. She runs the company, which currently has a team of 14 freelance guides, together with Paul Vlok.
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