New InsighTours in cooperation with the Brick Award coming up!

In 2023, Guiding Architects will organize a new series of InsighTours in cooperation with the Brick Award. Get an insight into a building that was nominated for the Brick Award 22! Participation is free of charge.
The Brick Award is an international award launched by Wienerberger in 2004 to recognise outstanding brick architecture from around the world. A pre-jury selects the 50 nominees, before an international jury of renowned architects chooses the category winners and the winners of the two main prizes. All nominated projects are presented in the book ‘Brick 22’, published by Park Books.

Falkoner Allé 118, Copenhagen. Photo: Niels Nygaard
Last year, Guiding Architects already organized two succesful InsighTours in Barcelona and Amsterdam. Stay tuned for the 2023 project selection, tour dates and subscription link!
In the meantime, submission is open for the Brick Award 24 until March 14, 2023. If you’ve designed and realized a beautiful brick building in the last two years, you can submit it via this link:

Paracelsus Bad und Kurhaus, Salzburg, Photo: Christian Richters
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