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More space for bikes and pedestrians, less space for cars: the makeover of Coolsingel in Rotterdam
In the Dutch Monopoly game, the Coolsingel, as the third of the green streets, is one of the most expensive plots. In reality, too, it is a prominent address in …
The “Bellevue di Monaco” – Munich’s popular meeting point for the interaction of locals and refugees
Renovation in place of demolition and a soccer field on the roof: how a social cooperative saved urban homes and converted them into a mixed-use project Many know the attractive …
The Frenetic Standstill – Jon Tugores’ high-speed shots of Barcelona’s Eixample
It is that fleeting moment. Shorter than an unconscious blink of an eye. Barely a five hundredth fraction of a second. Just then it happens. Not a little before, not …
Warsaw, architectural tour through a multi-layered metropolis
Warsaw is a unique Polish city. Grzegorz Piątek, an architecture critic and one of our guides has called it „a city made in Photoshop”. It’s a strange puzzle, a city …
Hyllie: Where smart planning meets renewable and recycled energy
How do we build a sustainable, climate-smart city of the future? The Malmo district of Hyllie shows that sustainability can become reality, as it has been the testbed of sustainable …
A harbor for living – the transformation of an industrial wasteland in Cologne
It’s great to have a harbor in the city! Cologne even has five and yet does not see itself as a harbor city, which may be due to the fact …