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Dutch high-rise projects in Frankfurt
The Carmelite monastery is a romantic oasis of silence in downtown Frankfurt. Dutch merchants stayed here for trade fairs beginning in the 15th century. From the cloister, you can see …
Guiding Architects: Passing the Pen 2
The pen keeps flying! Here’s the second edition of Passing the Pen, this time featuring Guiding Architects from Munich, Milan, Paris and Budapest. Can you guess which buildings we’re sketching?
Guiding Architects @Home -This week: Ira Scheibe of
Here comes the second edition of our new interview series. This time Ira Scheibe from in Cologne shares her tips with us. 1. Empty Under normal circumstances, most attractive …
Guiding Architects @Home -This week: Lorenzo Kárász of GA Barcelona
The Corona virus prevents us from going on tour with groups at the moment. As deplorable as the situation is, it also offers some chances – e.g. of seeing our …
#StayTheFuckHome Valencians change their lifestyle
The declaration of the state of alarm by Covid-19 forced Bernd Knöller to close his restaurant in Valencia. Since then he interviews in his podcast (El PutoCrack Club) personalities trapped …
Guiding Architects: Passing the Pen
What do Guiding Architects do when they’re stuck at home? Sure, they think about virtual tours, design new programmes for the next season, update their presentation material, develop new ideas. …