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Zorrotzaurre Island Bilbao
The biggest development area in town – the new Zorrotzaurre Island Bilbao – has made a significant step forward with the opening of its first bridge. Now open for pedestrians it …
The new Waterfront Project of Belgrade
Belgrade is witnessing a stream of events due to the reconstruction of its waterfront, which may change the face of the city forever and not for better. In an attempt …
Soviet Avant-Garde Architecture in Moscow
Moscow is changing for better Russia’s capital has begun a transformation of the city’s public spaces. Pedestrian areas, new parks, cycle lanes – the fabric of the city is being …
Global Seed Bank of Svalbard (Norway)
Far to the north, 1300 km beyond the Arctic Circle, we can find the archipelago of Svalbard (Spitzbergen), which is most often associated with glaciers, icebergs and polar bears. However, deep …
The Santral-Istanbul Project
The Golden Horn becomes “golden” again The Golden Horn was the first industrial area in Istanbul generating vast working space and incredible pollution until the end of 20th century. In …
The new European Central Bank in Frankfurt
“Architecture has to burn, to sting and to pain” were once the provocative words of Coop Himmelb(l)au. The former wild Austrian, already known as the architects of the BMW delivery-center, …