This was the School Campus Neustift event as part of the “Out & About: Discovering Architecture with the 2022 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies Van Der Rohe …

Unlike in cities, Bregenz has healthy alpine air and beautiful surroundings to experience all seasons to the fullest. In summer, our guests combined architectural visits with their vacation or with …

Here comes the tenth edition of our interview series. This time Willem Bruijn of onehundredyears in Bregenz / Vorarlberg shares his tips with us. 1. Empty Under normal circumstances, most …

Vorarlberg, Bregenz. Finally, it is spring! Snow and Corona have disappeared, The borders have reopened and tourism is secured. Concerning architecture, Vorarlberg is known for its craftmanship and timber construction, …

On the 100th anniversary of Otto Wagner‘s death, the “metropolitan architect” of the Austrian capital will be honored with a major exhibition at the Vienna Museum. In Vienna‘s cityscape, though, …

As soon as in 1984, Hermann Czech publicly exposed his thoughts about the spatial effect of mirrors. The Italian bar he designed in Vienna in 2016 offers astounding amounts of …